「星座文」2022.03.18 -雙魚座 Pisces the Fish

「星座文」- 雙魚座 Pisces the Fish

What’s your sign?/What’s your zodiac sign?

很感激生活/工作中所認識的每個人, 總是不吝給與支持、鼓勵與建議。

不管有沒有天天見面、三餐問候、身處同個城市, 很幸運地在你們的心中, 有著小小的位置。

剛好這幾週逢幾位雙魚座好友生日, 發個星座文以表感謝之情🥳


但卻也容易把別人的問題看得比自己重要。=> 哈哈哈哈哈, 這不是講義氣重感情的好朋友特質嗎?

節錄EnglishClub原文:It is nice to have a Pisces as a friend because she will always listen to your troubles. On the other hand, she may become so emotionally involved that she takes on your pain. Your problems become more important than hers.


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