「星座文」2022.04.09-牡羊座 Aries the Ram

「星座文」- 牡羊座Aries the Ram

上星期三2022/04/06, 是一個很值得紀念的一天.

雖然只是小小一步, 卻是工作上的成就大解鎖,


過程中, 有一位朋友鼓勵我時, 對我說了,Do not be afraid to take chances.(不要害怕冒險一試)我猜她應該是牡羊座吧!:)

獻給牡羊座的朋友:在English Club 原文

Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac. Aries have a lot of energy. They are strong, athletic, and naturally beautiful. Aries make good friends, because they are honest individuals who are easy to talk to. On the other hand, they can be seen as close-minded. They don’t like to compromise. Arians are known for their creative ideas. They set high goals for themselves and aren’t afraid to take chances.

白羊座精力旺盛、堅強、行動敏捷 創新求變的精神一旦確定目標就會全力以赴,不怕冒險


但不輕易妥協, 有時做事正熱頭上時, 聽不進別人的勸, 瞬間close- mined (思想封閉了~~)


Take chances: to do things that are dangerous or risky 意譯:冒險一試

Take no chances: to not do things that are dangerous or risky; prepare for everything possible 意譯:不冒險, 謹慎行事,力求萬全

EX: We should take no chances to pass the annual audit.

為了通過年度審核, 我們應該要謹慎行事,準備萬全


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